Travel Tips and Stories of Alabama Hills in United States

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Travel Tips and Stories of Alabama Hills in United States
travelers stories about Camping in Alabama Hills, United States

Camping in Alabama Hills, United States

A fire and friends are all you need for a great evening, but some hot cinnamon tea and bourbon doesn’t hurt. I wanted to capture the feeling of camping out under the stars with a fire, but the vast difference in light intensity between the fire and the stars made this image impossible to create in camera. The solution is to merge two exposures, one for the fire in the foreground, and one for the stars in the sky.

  Experienced by Robson Hatsukami Morgan

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travelers stories about Badlands in Alabama Hills, United States

Badlands in Alabama Hills, United States

A sigh of relief and relaxation came upon me after cooling down and finding a place to crash for the night. Places like like are what make road trips the best part.

  Experienced by Jeremy Bishop

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travelers stories about Underwater in Alabama Hills, United States

Underwater in Alabama Hills, United States

This was how we spent the last day of 2016, driving through the Alabama Hills. I can’t think of a better way to end a wonderful year full of trips and new places.

  Experienced by adrian

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travelers stories about Mountain in Alabama Hills, United States

Mountain in Alabama Hills, United States

With a fire ban in the area, we needed a different nighttime activity to relax after the sun went down. Luckily, Alabama Hills has so many rocks that can be used as projector screens. Thanks to a battery-powered projector, we were able to up our ‘glamping’ game and have a movie night under the stars.

  Experienced by Robson Hatsukami Morgan

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